Frama shelf

Frama's shelf is a beautiful reinterpretation of Scandinavian shelves from the 1950s. The shelf made of oiled oak and held by two delicate metal brackets is more . Tyylikäs ja yksinkertainen hylly, jossa kiinnikkeet luovat yksityiskohdan.

Hyllyn kiinnikkeet ovat mustat ja valmistettu teräksestä. Löydä Frama Shelf, hylly cm parhaaseen hintaan ja nopeimmalla toimitusajalla. De Shelf van Frama is een wandplank verkrijgbaar in drie maten en met drie kleuren beugels.

VOLTA concept store – contemporary, minimalist interior design and accessories, arts and crafts – Frama - Shelf – 600mm All, Back in Stock, Frama, Furniture, . Maße: Variante wählen, x cm, x 20 . Shelf is a reinterpretation of the recognized Scandinavian shelf design from the fifties. With the advantage of the simplicity and strength in the design. Frama Shelf, SHELF is a reinterpretation of the recognized Scandinavian shelf design from the fifties. With the advantage of the simplicity and strength in the .


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